The Transition

Psalms 90

This psalm began Book 4.  Many of the psalms in this section have no suggested authors, no instructions, or no suggested occasion.  This psalm is an exception because it was attributed to Moses.

Transition is a difficult experience for any people.  The years in Egypt were an experience of Israelite confusion.  They entered Egypt as the appreciated extended family of popular Joseph.  Hundreds of years later they left as abused slaves too troublesome to remain.  They went from the extended family of a popular royal to a feared mass of “nobody” slaves.  They literally went from the good life to a miserable existence.

The psalm began with God’s existence and goodness.  The God who existed before the physical world began was honored.  People did not compare to God.  Humanity was (is) temporary.  God was (is) timeless.

These “blessed by God” people angered the God who blessed them.  They existed beneath the “knowing eyes” of God.  Their existence went from bad to worse. To view themselves as competitors of God was stupid and pathetic!  Unlike the timeless God, time flew for these people as they ceased to exist.

The psalm ended with a plea for God to return to these people.  Their groans would end only with God’s return.  Moses pled for pity on the people’s behalf.  Only God’s unfailing love could satisfy them.  They could be glad again only if they saw God actively working for them.  These people’s efforts could be successful only when they saw God’s approval.

In every generation relationship with God is vital!  Taking that relation for granted destroys it!  Nurture your relationship with God!

May 15, 2014  *  Fort Smith, AR

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