Sometimes Seeing Now Is Remembering the Past

Psalm 77

Readers, remember that the text used is from the NLT study Bible.  Its emphasis is on meaning and clarity.  Using different translations challenges us to reflect.

Often the key to dealing with today’s difficulties is reflecting on the past’s unexpected blessings.  People often want guidance, solutions, accurate insights, and clarity for complex situations IMMEDIATELY.  Everyone finds uncertainty and stress deeply disturbing.

The psalmist spent an unsettling night attempting to pray in the middle of tormenting uncertainties.  Nothing helped—not confession, not physical position, and not deep distress.

That experience produced questions and attacked prayerfulness.  The experience challenged his view of God.  Was God a former Helper but a present Adversary? 

“Why have things changed?”  He felt rejected by God, unloved by God, and separated from God.  He felt confused—had God permanently abandoned him?  Was divine kindness forever gone?  Had divine promises permanently failed?  Had God forgotten graciousness and compassion?

He felt permanently alone! 

Then he recalled the unforgettable.  Israel’s past was relevant to his present.  He remembered the God of powerful wonders Who had strength to deliver Israel from the impossible!

God’s deliverance at the Red Sea caused both nature and escaping Israel to tremble in terror.  God did the impossible as He triumphed and Israel shook in doubt, fear, and awe.  God knew what Israel did not fathom.

The clear lesson: God provided leadership (in Moses and Aaron).  The fearful, ignorant nation followed.  The shepherd (here God’s appointed leaders) led while the sheep (here the nation of Israel) followed.

Leaders must see God at work; followers must trust leaders who trust God.

August 6, 2013  *  Fort Smith, AR

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