The Wonderful Moment of Divine Victory

Psalm 68 B

The relief was overwhelming!  The many reasons for rejoicing combined into a single occasion!   “My husband/father/brother/son survived the battle!  I have no reason to flee my home and hide!  My husband or father/brother/son lives to celebrate this occasion! 

“Let victory’s celebration begin!  Let us enjoy the benefits of triumph!  May our enemies’ families weep as we celebrate our joy!  Our danger has ended!  God gave us victory!”

To us victory involved too much sadness, brutality, and suffering for the defeated.  Yet, we have not suffered as did the unjustly defeated!  To these, enjoying victory was relief from injustice.  A new time of peace began because the agonies of injustice ended. Their era of peace began because the injustices of defeat were over.

Finally people who had endured so much hardship were victorious.  God led them to decisive victory over abusive enemies.  Without doubt God was responsible for this victory!  He was their champion!  Their anguish caused by past defeats was over!

God led the victory procession to His sanctuary.  In front of God were singers.  Behind God, musicians followed the women playing tambourines.  Everything praised God!  The entire possession—including rulers—paid tribute to God. 

A loud appeal was made to God to take a crippling tribute from enemy kings.  “God, make future arrogant attacks impossible!  Replace war’s savagery with an era of peace!”

Revere God everywhere!  May His existence and power be undeniable throughout the earth!  May His relationship with Israel be unquestionable.  May His power be undeniable!  Praise God!

The ultimate alliance is an unbreakable bond between God and His people!

April 23, 2013  *  Fort Smith, AR

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