The Role Change

Psalm 18:30-50

Often when circumstances change, people change their view of themselves.  When we cannot help ourselves, we plead for God’s help.  When we are “in the know” and have our situation ”under control,” we often are confident that we do not need God—and ignore Him.  There seems to be a high correlation between our sense of control and our sense of independence from God.

This psalm of David is remarkably different.  His plea for help in the face of disaster is there, but also there is a tribute to God after deliverance and remarkable success.  God both delivered and made astounding success possible!  God was praised for both feats!

God was his Protector, his Shield, his Rock that delivered, his Strength, the One who enabled him to be a successful warrior, and the Provider of Victory.  The absence of self-praise is remarkable!

David chased, caught, and conquered his enemies.  Yet, God provided the strength, placed David’s foot on their necks, and gave David victory.  Rather than being almost dead, David caused his enemies to feel fear and lose courage.

All tribute belonged to God! He alone deserved to be exalted!  Whatever David accomplished, God made it possible.  God deserved all credit!

The emphasis of this psalm was two-fold: (1) dire human distress cannot separate a faith-filled righteous person from God.  (2) Victory will not prevent a faith-filled person from seeing God’s work.  God enables victory!

Consider a sobering reflection on human existence.  When we are blessed in the face of destruction, who is credited with the blessings?

See God in success; do not just plead in distress.

David Chadwell
July 18, 2012  *  Fort Smith, AR

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