The Continuing Conflict (Part 2)

Psalm 37:23-40


  1. The godly do not walk alone, but with God’s guidance. They stumble, but God prevents them from falling.

  2. He never saw God abandon the godly, nor their children lacking the basics.

  3. The godly are generous and view children as God’s blessing.

  4. The key to existence: forsaking evil to do good. Only doing good (not merely knowing good) will establish ancient Israel in the land of Canaan.

  5. They must understand God’s love of people’s just treatment.

  6. God established and protected the righteous. That protection included possessing the land God gave them.

  7. The godly direct others toward godliness and away from evil. They “practice what they preach.” Their instruction is not mere advice for others to follow.

  8. The wicked exist to exploit the righteous—that is their dedication! However, God protects the righteous.

  9. The righteous should place their confidence in God—God keeps His promises!

  10. It is not unusual to see the wicked enjoying prosperity—nor is it unusual for the wicked to disappear as though they never existed.

  11. Those who establish peace through honesty and goodness have a wonderful future. Rebelliousness brings certain destruction.

  12. Belonging to God is the key to divine help—in bad times as well as good times. The wicked are no match for God—not matter how bad the immediate situation!

Again note the psalmist never denied the existence of trials, hardships, or distressful circumstances. The objective was not to prevent the agony caused by wickedness, but to endure in evil’s influence and treatment. Though present, evil must not be victorious!

David Chadwell
June 26, 2012  *  Fort Smith, AR

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