"You Can Depend On His Promises!"

There is a person that you can depend on what he/she says.  If he/she says it, he/she will do it.  If he/she gives his/her word, it is so.  If he/she makes a promise, he/she will do as it was promised.  You do not have to look for hidden meanings, or deceptiveness, or evasion.  This person is serious about “honoring my word.”  “Doing what I say” is a matter of being true to “my character.”  Being a “person of character” is central to who this person is.

There is also a living God you can depend on. In spite of human weakness and failure he does what he promises.  That which He declares will happen happens.  To me, that is not a threat to strike terror in my heart.  It is a reassurance to provide my life hope.

Abraham is a source of encouragement.  He was not perfect, but he had a growing faith.  To him God made conditional promises in Genesis 12:1-3.  Though the biblical nation of Israel frequently failed God, still God kept every promise He made to Abraham.  When God promised, human failure did not stop Him!

1 Kings 18:25-39 provides a fascinating contrast between pagan gods and the living God.  This occurred when Elijah faced the prophets of Baal.  Baal was pictured as disinterested in human affairs, as preoccupied with his own affairs.  In contrast God is attentive to human affairs and responsive.

Faith in the God of the Bible is faith in the attentive God who keeps His promises.  Others’ failures have no bearing on His commitment to you.  Serve Him in assurance!

David Chadwell
May 22, 2012  *  Fort Smith, AR

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