A New Feature

Since my retirement from the staff of the West-Ark congregation, I no longer write a weekly article for the bulletin of that congregation.  Most of my writing is confined to my web site.  The devotionals from Matthew provide new daily material to encourage and stimulate others for 2011.  My new book, The Unexpected Journey, will appear in full early in 2012.

My goal, which may not be realized, is to place all my writings on the web site before I die.  The progressive disease/condition I have restricts me in numerous ways.  It, for many reasons, is becoming increasingly difficult for me to travel by any method.  My voice and my energy level prevent me from preaching or teaching a class.  Research is a challenge since my illegible writing is unreadable—even to me.  My muscle coordination has reduced my typing to the two-finger method.  However, if not pushed, I can still produce material (hopefully of some value).  My neurologist said I can think fine—I just cannot project.  Somehow, that just does not mix well with preaching.

Beginning today, each Monday I hope to post on this site a new article.  It, like all material on this site, may be downloaded free and freely used as the reader sees fit.  The only request I make is for the content and thrust of the article (or material) to remain unchanged.  If it stimulates your thinking to produce material of your own, fine—even wonderful!  I am not interested in credit.  I am only interested in encouraging people to seek a better understanding of God and His will.

I have been significantly assisted in my efforts by many, many people—I am deeply indebted to all of them.  Debbie Belote continues to manage the web site.  She—or someone she designates—will place the articles on the site each week.  You may contact her or me with any requests you may have.

May I say "thank you" for the numerous encouragements you share.  I am doing well.  The “me” inside the body is doing well.  However, the body seems to be falling apart.  The middle-aged man inside gets a little weary of looking and acting like such an old man.

Fort Smith, AR
 August 1, 2011


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